Thursday, April 15, 2010

The MYSTERY ( Blog #4 )

Father's office(12)
empty and cold(13)
"If he goes we go"
he'll miss us all(5)
his new job is a mystery
nobody knows(5)
It needs special people to do this job(5)
new job(5)
it's very important(5)
one of his fathers solders where saw(18)
father is very serious(19)
don't understand what it is(9)
He didn't know himself (8)

Friday, April 9, 2010

WHO CAUSED IT...( Blog #3 )

In this novel the Boy In The Striped Pajamas, has many people that started the war and put people in pain for pretty much no reason, and those people are.....are people who don't care about the feelings of others and the safety of them but, there were many people involved in the making of wars and trouble. Hitler was the number one problem of this war. He made people that didn't have blue eyes and blond hair go to camps were you could never even make it through one week before you die, it was horrible, he pretty much destroyed many instant lives. But he wasn't the only one. In this novel Bruno's dad is also a part of the war i don't know what he does but i know that he is helping in this war by doing what he is told Bruno also doesn't know, but he'll find out soon and so will i.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

blog #2 ( the artifact )

The boy in the striped pajamas has allot of important artifacts, but I think the most important one mite be the uniforms they wear, it symbolizes so much in this book . where the little boy wears the striped pajamas is meant for the little boy to symbolize the people who had to be in the concentration camps, the outfits look like something that you have to wear in jail. I think they make you wear the pajamas so that the guards and other people know that you are a prisoner and that you blend with everyone else, you can't be your self in a camp were your forced to wear boring outfits for the rest of your life. Also the main character named Bruno by the way, his dad has to wear this fancy suite for his new job, i don't know what his job is yet but from what i know wearing a fancy suite in the war could mean that you have a very important job in which the outfit has people know exactly how important you are to this war, he could be a general or a solider, but ill find out soon.!!!!!! (HOPEFULLY )!!!!!!

Friday, April 2, 2010

WWII ( Holocaust) blog entry #1

The holocaust was an event that effected everyone, boys and girls. this event was full of hate and discuss ans so many other feelings that word can't even explain.

The holocaust was were a man named Hitler over all controlled everyone in his way and mad their lives absolute hell, pardon my french. He had people die if they didn't have blue eyes and blond hair and many people were pulled out of their family's and forced to got to consideration camps, where they were to make buttons and other useless crape ( well I think it's useless ). I fell horrible for the people that were in this tragic, and trifling event no one and I mean, no one should ever go through the thing this man put people through. What do you think?

Thursday, April 1, 2010


hi, im georgie and im reading the boy in the striped pajamas. I'm so exsited to read this book