Wednesday, April 7, 2010

blog #2 ( the artifact )

The boy in the striped pajamas has allot of important artifacts, but I think the most important one mite be the uniforms they wear, it symbolizes so much in this book . where the little boy wears the striped pajamas is meant for the little boy to symbolize the people who had to be in the concentration camps, the outfits look like something that you have to wear in jail. I think they make you wear the pajamas so that the guards and other people know that you are a prisoner and that you blend with everyone else, you can't be your self in a camp were your forced to wear boring outfits for the rest of your life. Also the main character named Bruno by the way, his dad has to wear this fancy suite for his new job, i don't know what his job is yet but from what i know wearing a fancy suite in the war could mean that you have a very important job in which the outfit has people know exactly how important you are to this war, he could be a general or a solider, but ill find out soon.!!!!!! (HOPEFULLY )!!!!!!

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